Finalize Contractor Bids
Phase 1: Sanctuary
Phase 2: Foyer
Phase 3: Education Building
A pledge can be subitted via a pledge card (electronic on the building website or a physical card available to pick up in the foyer). December 31, 2022 is our pledge fulfillment date. With that said, for one-time gifts, we are setting June 26th as a soft pledge fulfillment date, because that would be around the time we hope to have identified a new building and entered into a lease agreement. At the end of the year, you will receive a tax form summarizing your givings as donations are tax deductible
You can certainly give without filling out a pledge, but filling out a pledge card will allow you to track your pledge progress throughout the giving period. In addition, it gives our building committee and church leadership a better idea of our building campaign financial goals and help us make prudent decisions in regards to our future building.
The building campaign will kick off in Jan 2022. We hope to identify, enter into a contract and initiate the permitting process by Jun 2022. In Sept 2022, we will initiate renovations once the initial permitting process has been approved. We would complete renovations, furnish and move into the new building by Feb 2023. If more time is needed, we will have the option of going month to month until the owner sells the property.
Our ideal location is in the Kearny Mesa area, however, because the limited availability, we have expanded our search north of the 8 freeway, south of the 56 with the Pacific coast & the 15 freeway as our east/west borders. We are seeking to double our current capacity with search parameters as follows: (10,000-15,000 sf); ($1.30-$2.30/ sf); (7-10 year lease), adequate parking, and appropriate zoning. The city has strict limitations and permitting restrictions for churches so this limits many commercial properties that are currently vacant.
With commericial real estate still on the rise in the SD market, it requires a minimum of $2-3M as a downpayment to obtain a loan that is suitable for our church size. In addition, another $1-2M is needed for extensive permitting and renovation costs. Kairos is currently not in a financial position to purchase, however, we hope to be able to purchase in the next decade.
We are working with a broker that is experienced in church properties in addition to performing our own searches. The building committee involves Esther, P Phil, Zeb and Alice Lee. As we progress in the process, we will be adding new members based on project needs.
No, money from the general offering will not be used for the building campaign however there is a reserve portion of the general offering that can be applied to the monthly rent if needed. Similarly any donations pledged to the building campaign will remain in this fund and will not be allocated elsewhere
Based on our current build-out projections and building search criteria, we have estimated the cost for the new building to be $600,000. We anticipate 80% will go towards renovations and permitting costs, 10% towards furnishings, and 10% towards rent reserves for additional support in increased rent. This number is based on our "best estimate" with our current assumptions
If you haven't committed to Kairos as your home church, we certainly welcome and are grateful for your participation, but we aren't expecting it. One of the aspects of growth for our church through this building campaign is for the members of this church to grow in ownership and a mindset to sow into what God is doing in and through this church.
That's okay! We believe that God cares more about the heart of the giver. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus honored the widow over those who gave out of their wealth because of the way she desired to honor God in her giving.The New Testament also teaches us the importance of the cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We hope you don’t feel forced to or reluctant to give, not compulsively, but thoughtfully and prayerfully - and most importantly, cheerfully — trusting what God is doing through this church.
There are principles that we can glean from the New Testament on giving, one of them being the importance of equal sacrifice, not equal giving. One of the ways we can healthily approach this campaign is not looking to our left and right, comparing how much each person can give, but rather, asking God in prayer how we can give sacrificially, even asking him for the faith to give, knowing that it’s okay that we don’t all give the same amount, but that that there would be equal sacrifice in our participation.
We believe in a God who transforms lives, revives communities, and renews our world daily.